Commercial Landscaping Advice | North by Northwest

Should you Repair or Replace your Commercial Property Irrigation System?

Written by North by Northwest | Apr 8, 2021 2:41:03 PM

Sometimes, it’s obvious when you need to replace something.

Your kid’s goldfish when it dies. The running shoes you’ve worn since 1991. Those cookies you snuck from the cupboard.

Other times, it’s trickier.

When your commercial property irrigation system isn’t working the way it used to, should you replace it? Or does it just need a few repairs?

Should you repair or replace your irrigation system? Ask yourself a few questions:

How Old Is The Irrigation System?

Maybe your favorite jeans are still hanging in there at 25 years old, but if your commercial property irrigation system is that old, it’s probably time to replace it.

An irrigation system’s life expectancy is about 20-25 years, depending on the quality of the system.

Sprinkler systems go through a lot out there. All those pipes, sprinkler heads, valves, and fittings work hard year after year. They don’t last forever.

Is Your Current Sprinkler System Smart Enough?

Like all technology, irrigation system tech has steadily improved over the years, from its water-saving potential to features that make your life easier.

Today’s irrigation technology gives us instant remote access to your irrigation system. If your sprinkler system is so old it doesn’t have this convenient technology, consider upgrading.

We can shut down your system in an emergency or make needed adjustments instantly, so you don’t always have to wait for technicians to make the physical trip to your property.

A multitude of sensors tell us exactly what’s going on with your commercial property irrigation system.

  • Flow sensors show how much water is being used, and if you’re wasting water. They help prevent landscape damage from excess water if a line breaks or a valve is stuck open. The flow sensor will detect the unusually high amount of water flowing, automatically shut down your entire system, and send an immediate alert.
  • Rain sensors will turn off your irrigation system if it’s raining, saving you water and money.
  • Freeze sensors won’t allow your smart irrigation system to water if the temperature is too cold.
  • If a valve malfunctions, sensors detect it and let us know.

It’s called a “smart irrigation system” for a reason.

Has Your Landscaping Changed A Lot Over Time?

Your landscaping changes over time. Plants get bigger. Areas that used to be in the sun might be partly shaded now.

You might have mature plants now that weren’t even there when your commercial property irrigation system was installed.

Your irrigation system needs to evolve along with your landscaping to provide proper coverage. You might need to move irrigation heads or switch them out for a different type.

But if your landscaping has significantly outgrown your current irrigation system, a few new heads here and there won’t be enough to provide proper coverage, and it’s time to upgrade to a more expansive irrigation system.

How Important Is Reducing Water Waste?

Should you repair or replace your irrigation system? If you don’t have the latest irrigation technology, you’re probably wasting water.

Outdated sprayer heads, leaky valves, and old controllers can pump out more water than your property needs or spray it haphazardly where water isn’t even needed.

Today’s irrigation systems are much more water-efficient than those built 10-15 years ago. So replacing your irrigation system will definitely cut your water consumption, your water waste, and your water bill.

A new smart irrigation system will monitor the amount of water you use, calculate rainfall and adjust the amount of water sprayed, and avoid watering when it’s not needed.

If saving water is a high priority, replacing your commercial property irrigation system will make a huge difference.

What Are Your Budget Concerns?

A typical commercial property irrigation system costs between $35,000 and $50,000.

Is that in your budget right now?

If not, replacing parts of your system — sprinkler heads, timers, and valves — as needed along the way can spread out the cost over time.

Repair or Replace Your Irrigation System? Either Way, Trust North by Northwest

You want your property to look great, feel welcoming, and attract new tenants, buyers, or customers. Dead lawn and wilted plants won’t exactly seal the deal. Make sure your irrigation system is at the top of its game.

Maybe that means expert irrigation system repair. Or it might be time to start over with a new one.

Either way, it starts with a skilled, attentive commercial irrigation company that won’t let you down.

We’d love to partner with you to make your Austin, TX landscaping impressive and your job hassle-free.

Are you ready for stress-free landscaping in Austin, TX? Schedule a time to meet with one of our experts today. We’ll gather the details, create a customized plan just for you, and you can stop stressing as we improve and beautify your commercial property.